Monday, July 6, 2009

An Open Letter to the Little Beh-Beh in My Sister-in-Law's Belleh

An Open Letter to the Little Beh-Beh in My Sister-in-Law's Belleh

Dear Little Beh-Beh:

Dooooooooooooooood. Come out already. You were supposed to be out playing with me like, 3 days ago or something. Look, I know it's all comfy in there, squishy and soft and floaty and whatnot but have a little consideration for the rest of us out here in the world. Everyone's waiting, little dude (or dudette). Don't be rude.


Your Aunt Heather


  1. Ahhhhh....I assumed thats why you were being so, yes, little baby, come out already!!

  2. Amazing! Babies are so cute at that age, well every age I think.

  3. AnonymousJuly 06, 2009

    You sister should just do what my friend did...induce labor!

  4. O/O: Nope, just busy with the weekend of the 4th and all!

    Eric: LOL!

    Brooke: Christy is very into natural labor and all that so she won't be letting them induce.


I can has comments?

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