Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Meet Clover!

This is Clover, Snuggles' new sister! I adopted her this weekend from Mid-America Bully Breed Rescue in Kansas City, Missouri.

Clover was picked up with her brother/son, Romeo, as a stray in Des Moines, Iowa. She was pregnant but all her puppies were euthanized. :o( A soldier adopted this beautiful girl but when he was unexpectedly deployed to the Middle East she ended up back at the shelter. Eventually MABBR drove to Iowa and picked her (and Romeo) up for their adoption program. She went into foster care.

Snuggles and I drove up to Kansas City this weekend to meet her. Snuggles got to stay in his first hotel and everything. He was SUCH a good boy.

The first meeting with Clover couldn't have gone any better. She and Snuggles played for a solid two hours and had an absolute ball together. I knew then that she was the one. The perfect fit for our family. We brought her home with us. The entire 5 1/2-hour trip home the two babies snuggled together in the back of my car. Since then they have been total BFF's. They even went to the mall and bought matching necklaces that say "Best Friends" on them. They are so silly!

I am happy as a clam. As are my two babies.

Our first family portrait


  1. Congratulations to you all! What a beautiful picture of you - I'm so happy for you! :)

  2. Oh, Clover is sooo beautiful. I'm also happy that Snuggles and she get on so well. Congratulations on your new family member. :)

  3. she looks like my Buster. he is a beautiful pit bull mix at my mom's.

    Clover is beautitful.

  4. Congrats and good to hear that Snuggles is all good with it... :)

  5. Cute pic. And kudos to you providing a wonderful dog with a new, loving home!

  6. Oh what a sweetie!!! Big ol' kissable face. Congrats on the new addition. Im a little jealous. I left you a reply to your comment at the wiener princess's place about missing your blog...and here you posted and I just didnt know it!

  7. I love her! What a sweetie. Snuggles is a perfect big brother too. Congrats on the new baby. :D

  8. OMG I love this photo. What cuties!

    Check out my blog, I just got into this whole world!

  9. What a beautiful family portrait! Clover is so adorable and lucky!

  10. Nice post. Congrats on the new dog. This is very timely, as I'm currently in a serious debate with myself as to whether to get a dog. They are hard to resist.

  11. OMG OMG OMG! What a beautiful pibble! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!! Whoever said two pitties can't get along like peas in a pod? Pffffft. People like you prove the myth wrong every day. Go, you!

  12. hey! I missed you !!! Do you wanna do a guest post, just to get back in the swing of things? I missed the fuck outta you!


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