Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Deveel... he hath taken my soul.

Well, friends. I finally caved. I'm on Facebook. *hangs head in shame*

Since the inception of FB I have literally loathed it and swore I would never EVER join. I was known to regularly refer to MySpace and FB as "the devil". Then again, I used to think blogging was weird and Twitter was stupid. So there you go. I'm so evolved!

Anyhoo, you are all in luck because you can now be my friend on Facebook! OMG.

I fully expect you all to be throwing sheeps at me in short order.

Search heathercherryseaton


  1. Ha. I remember when you said you were not fb ing. Im glad you are...

  2. hee hee. I caved and joined about6 mos. ago. It's addictive at first and then, once you've reconnected with everyone with whom you want to reconnect, you're barely on it anymore. I do use it to advertise my blog and my examiner.com articles,though...

  3. You're alive!!!! Oh happy day.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)