Friday, June 12, 2009

Time for a Jealousy-Inducing Post

Nanny-nanny-boo-boo, look who had a sleepover at my house last night! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Here's the situation: I heard from a fellow rescuer who feeds a lot of strays. She's been going to a local junkyard for quite some time now, feeding the myriad of dogs out there. They just keep breeding and having babies forever and ever. The owner of the junkyard doesn't feed any of them, doesn't want them and pays them no mind. Even worse, in order to apparently kill off the fleas and ticks he has doused several of them in DIESEL FUEL!!! Absolutely unbelievable. So last night we rescued this mama and her babies and more rescues are planned for today. Just look at this sad mama's face. Looks like she's been through a lot, huh?


Tatiana said...

The look on that dog's face breaks my heart ...

Eric said...

Wow, remind me not to buy my junk (if I need junk) from junk dealers in OKC if they all run mini deathcamps for dogs!
I like the blond pbls a lot, a friend had one and it would *sigh* on the couch and the expressions were so humanish. Great personality dogs from what I've seen, and smart.

Shawn said...

I do feel jealous. I haven't had any good dog milk in over a year.

Unknown said...

Good for you! By the way, this is REALLY making me not want to breastfeed :)

feefifoto said...

Good for you, rescuing her and her adorable babies. I hope she recovers and finds a good home soon. We adopted a rescue puppy a month ago and even she's had trouble adjusting to being a pet; I can hardly imagine how difficult it will be for that mama to adjust.

obladi oblada said...

OH NO!!!! That is just terrible. Cant local law enforcement DO something about that creep? Its animal cruelty and it is against the law to set dogs on fire. Ugh.

Im sooooo glad that you and this other angel are doing this. That mama dog can rest peacefully now, she is safe.

Yeah...Im totally jealous, all those itty bitty baby puppies....NOTHING is better than that. All that puppy breath....sigh.

Keep me updated on the rescues, pretty pweese?

Heather Cherry said...

Tatiana: I know... it was worse in person. :(

Eric: "pbls" - you mean pit bulls? If so, indeed you are correct, sir. They are one in a million.

Shawn: Ew.

Shop: Poor gal has had a litter every season according to the junk yard owner so yup, she was hanging pretty low.

FFF: You said it... I just can't imagine. Congrats on your puppy and good for you!

O/O: The other rescuers are afraid that if they report him (cooperative and helpful with our rescue efforts so far) that he'll just take them all out back and shoot them or drop them off at the pound where they'll have no chance. It's a sticky spot. I'll email you with more info, k?

thesixburghmom said...

Oh that just breaks my heart. I hope she is able to find a great home, free of pregnancy and diesel fuel. Poor thing.

Heather Cherry said...

I know, I know... it breaks my heart.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?