More freaky vintage funnies, fresh out of the oven...
It is? For real? Well for gosh sakes Doreen, how did I not know that? Couldn't someone have sent me a memo about this or something? I mean, if I'd only known... well, let's be honest... I still would have stabbed that waitress that brought me decaf instead of regular coffee... but I would have picked a better place to hide the body. I mean, good grief... throw a guy a bone here. But not a bone from that shallow grave I dug... heh, heh... get it? Bone? See, it's because her body's decomposing and-what? What'd I say? Sheesh, lighten up, Doreen. Somebody sure can't take a joke.
For the life of me I can't figure out where the postage meter comes into play.
Take heed, ladies. Your man will leave you if you get constipated. True story. Look at her. She's sad cuz she can't poo.
This ad is just incredibly disturbing...
Little help here? I'm stuck under this wash tub, guys. Somebody? Anybody? I think I may have some internal hemorrhaging and I can't be sure but I think I felt a rib break and puncture my spleen. Seriously.............. can't............. breathe............. lung............... collapsing................. noooooooooooooo.............. not like this............... (gasp)................ not.............. like this...................
How does this sell soap???
Yeah, they're having fun girl bonding time. You know... talking about tampons and periods and stuff. Later they're gonna prank call cute boys and play
M.A.S.H. and have pillow fights and braid each other's hair. Man, it must be boring to be a guy. Talking about cars and guns and cheeseburgers and power tools and bugs and dirt and... wait! I like all of those things. Well, except for the last two. Dang. Being a girl sucks.
The steak is all, "Nom-nom-nom-nom!"
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! THE HORROR. THE HORROR. (Okay, now I'm actually talking about her outfit).
And now... proof that anyone can look like Cousin It if they really want to.
Actually, I'm totally jealous cuz I wish my hair looked like that. Well... maybe not that last one. Her hair's looking a bit frizzy and listless. I think she may have an unhealthy addiction to her straightening iron. Possibly even a crimping iron, from the looks of it. Hel-LO! V8 Hot Oil Treatment needed. STAT!